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Denver 2022: Mile High Momentum

Writer's picture: ARC NewsARC News

To borrow a phrase from iconic rock band The Grateful Dead, what a long, strange trip this pandemic has been.

The 2020 Indy NCSL Summit was cancelled and relocated to Tampa in 2021. Adoptee Rights Coalition team members attended, and had a wonderful time spinning the Wheel of Adoptee Fortune/Misfortune and meeting with and educating legislators next to the Gulf of Mexico.

To everyone's post/ mid- COVID surprise, a bevy of bills have been signed into law in the 2021 and 2022 sessions in Arizona, Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Vermont.

At the time of this writing, Massachusetts HD.1543/SD.1142 awaits Governor Baker's signature, joining its New England neighbors in the repeal of "sandwich" laws and restoring unrestricted OBC access to all adult adoptees, regardless of when the adoption took place. Respect and honor goes out to everyone whose long-term dedication has changed laws and lives, and now fuels a magnificent nationwide momentum.

Suddenly, it was August 2022 and the Adoptee Rights Coalition booth visited Denver with a new logo and new banners featuring a powerful message: Truth and Transparency in Adoption is Good Policy for Everyone. The landmark Big Blue Bear outside the Denver Convention Center offered conferees a huge, warm greeting as they rode the escalator up to the exhibit hall.

We invited the Coalition for Truth and Transparency in Adoption and the US Donor Conceived Council to share our booth on the heels of the historic passage of CO SB 22-224, which removes gamete donor anonymity and provides other protections starting in 2025. News of the bill's passage made a big splash at the NCSL, and legislators from three states are already taking a serious look at sponsoring similar measures in their states.

A passionate team of birth/first moms, adoptees, and our first-ever donor-conceived person staffed the booth, greeting visitors from as far away as Asia and South Africa. The number of people with a connection to adoption and a story to tell is always remarkable. It was a special treat to see legendary bill sponsors NY Assemblyman David Weprin and IL Senator Sara Feigenholtz visit our booth together.

Based on the high level of interest expressed by a variety of lawmakers, staffers, and policymakers, we would not be surprised if another bevy of bills is on the way.

See you next year in Indy!


Adoptee Rights Coalition

The ARC advocates for adult adoptees through its 501(c)(4) status and is focused entirely on restoring their unrestricted right to request a copy of their own original birth certificate.

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