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Essential  Q&A

Q:  What's wrong with most current state statutes regarding adult adoptee original birth certificates (OBC)?

A:  They are unjust, outdated and rooted in shame and secrecy, rather than truth and transparency.  Consumer DNA testing has made sealed records all but moot as a means of preventing adult adoptees from locating blood kin. Instead, records access now offers a more truly private, humane, and dignified option for adoptees who want to act on their basic human right to know who they are and where they came from. 



Q: Have adult adoptees ever had direct access to OBCs and related records in the past?

A:  Yes. Legislative history reveals that adult adoptees could obtain a copy of their OBC from statehood until the mid-20th century.



Q: How are other states addressing this issue? Is there model legislation available?

A: Kansas and Alaska never sealed OBCs from adult adoptees. Since 1995, thirteen more states (AL, CO, CTHI, LA, MA, ME, NH, NY, OR, RI, SD, VT) have retroactively provided unrestricted access to adult adoptees in model legislation, balancing interests of birth parents via an optional Contact Preference Form and we consider that to be model legislation.


Q: What national organizations support access to OBCs and certain adoption records for adult adoptees?

A: The list includes:


  • American Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys 

  • Child Welfare League of America 

  • Concerned United Birthparents 

  • National Association of Social Workers 

  • National Foster Parent Association;

  • North American Council on Adoptable  Children 

Click here to view their policy statements.

Q: Does this issue have bipartisan support?

A: Yes, because truth and transparency in adoption is a human issue. Bills have been sponsored and cosponsored by members of both parties in a variety of states. Truth and transparency in adoption is simply good policy that balances the interests of the parties and helps to protect against child trafficking.




a Bill

ARC stands ready to assist legislators, staff and bill drafters to recommend model legislation or help craft an adoptee - friendly measure tailored to your state.  You may want to start with a simple original birth certificate (OBC)  access bill. If you believe your state is ready to address a more comprehensive records access bill, we encourage  you to explore possibilities with us. We can also connect you with local contacts, suggest proven talking points, and offer policy research and outcomes.  

Click here to contact us about sponsoring legislation in your state. 

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Adoptee Rights Coalition

The ARC is a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to changing unjust laws and archaic policies and practices rooted in stigma, shame and secrecy by restoring unrestricted access to original birth certificates for adult adoptees.  

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